CGI Introduction

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HTML Document with Action URL

Sample CGI-bin form

<!--The following form uses a RPG CGI Program to    -->
<!--process the input data. -->

<form action="/BonusCGI/imvr501.PGM" METHOD="POST">

<p>Please provide the following information:</p>
           Name <input type=text size=25 maxlength=25 name="FNAME">
         E-mail <input type=text size=25 maxlength=30 name="EMAIL">
 Street address <input type=text size=25 maxlength=25 name="ADDRESS1">
Address (cont.) <input type=text size=25 maxlength=25 name="ADDRESS2">
           City <input type=text size=25 maxlength=25 name="CITY">
 State/Province <input type=text size=3 maxlength=3 name="STATE">
Zip/Postal code <input type=text size=12 maxlength=12 name="ZIPCODE">
        Country <input type=text size=25 maxlength=25 name="COUNTRY">
   Phone Number <input type=text size=14 maxlength=14 name="PHONE">

Comments <textarea name="COMMENT" rows=5 cols=42></textarea>
<p><input type=submit value="Submit Form">
<input type=reset value="Clear Form"> </p>


